Kids Electrical Science Education

Entertaining Electricity and Energy Saving Videos and Experiments

Free educational science resources to engage and educate
Designed to help teachers provide more effective lessons
Making electricity interesting for all abilities.

Classroom resources for 'electricity for kids'

  • Engage children with science based cartoons.
  • Lesson ideas and resources to interest children of all abilities.
  • Experiment with online simulations to help understand the engineering principles.
  • Enhance lesson plans with a range of interactive resources that will consolidate learning.
  • Motivate the less interested pupils and help the talented ones to discover more.

Classroom Feedback

We'd still like to hear from schools with feedback on how well the resources work and how to make them better e.g.

Whether the cartoons help create an interest in the science.

Whether the lesson ideas are helpful or other ideas that might work better.

Please leave comments on the Facebook page or contact us through this site. All feedback is greatly appreciated.

Technical Science Books

eddy book cover

We are currently working on a new Eddy book and hope to bring you news here shortly